FusionPowered Software is pleased to announce that Road Pirates is in development. We’ve taken the initial steps by setting up a Wiki page to help us organize our thoughts and ideas. Also, we’re working on a system that will allow us to test the game as we’re coming up with ideas. This is kind of an innovative approach to game-design that will save us both time and energy. None of these methods are pre-canned or ready-made, which is why the initial process will take a little more time. However, many tools are at our disposal such as MediaWiki (http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki). So I’m fairly confident we can get things done in a reasonable amount of time and it should be very interesting when everything is setup. I’m really looking forward to seeing what I can pull together this year. I get to work with a friend I’ve known since middle school, so it’s pretty exciting. Road Pirates should be a really cool game when it’s done and I hope everyone will have fun playing it.