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FusionPoweredSoftware is now on Twitter. Follow us to get the latest updates and news: @FusionPoweredSW
Today I’ve added Swingin’ George to the games section, which was the brainchild of the first one-week project. So download Swingin’ George for your iPhone today and stay away from hungry crocodiles! Android version is coming soon! Here’s a screenshot:
Designing a game can be daunting, time-consuming, and ultimately very frustrating without the proper tools and know-how. Over the years, we’ve accumulated knowledge from a vast array of resources that have helped us improve our game design skills immensely. Game design is not just simply about constructing rules and content. Neither is it just about… Continue Reading
We’ve got another great story today from Paul which picks up where we left off in the 4th episode. Things are about to get real ugly in this one as a storm brews within the Road Pirates universe. Here it is… episode 5…
Tonight, we have another great story which continues from last week which introduces us to some possible ideas of the Road Pirates universe. Ladies and gentlemen: The Warrior Michael, by Paul Kiernan…
Success! Our first one-week project has been completed, but it looks like it’s going to take a little longer to submit because Apple needs a “D-U-N-S Number” for the company name which requires at least 14 days before it can be used. After the 14 days, Apple will review the game, which can take anywhere from… Continue Reading
Hello, everyone. We’ve got another great story for you today from Paul Kiernan we’d like to share this Monday. Here it is, another episode of the Road Pirates saga, divided into 5 parts.
The rules of One-Week Project Wednesdays clearly state that we’re not allowed to share anything until Wednesday. Come Wednesday, we will report how far we’d gotten with our one-week project and when we expect the game to be available (if ever). If we didn’t finish (which won’t happen) then we’ll show everyone how far we… Continue Reading
Today we begin our first one-week project. One of our many ideas has been selected and will be used to create a project in exactly one week. No information will be revealed until next Wednesday, when we begin our next one-week project. To succeed, we must create a fun game and submit it to be… Continue Reading
We’ve been doing a lot of brainstorming and we’ve come up with a lot of great ideas lately and we’d like to try our best to get them all finished. A lot of the projects that we’ve considered could be knocked out in as little as a week. With the new Rotago well on its… Continue Reading